Traditional Employment Versus Money-Earning Games: Pros and Cons

Traditional Employment Versus Money-Earning Games: Pros and Cons

Inflation and dynamic economic reforms make it hard for many to meet both ends with a single source of income. Common people hunt for other passive income methods to support expenses and stabilize their lives. In this aspect, play-to-earn mobile games have become their standard choice. Is it worth your time? Is it better than traditional employment? Full-time permanent employment is mandatory for a stable source of income. Similarly, a venture to play money earning games in your free time might balance the act. Let us scout more deeply to discover the pros and cons of these two aspects in the modern world scenario.

Traditional Employment: Pros and Cons

Traditional employment is a commitment that every employee has to meet every day. The 9-to-6 jobs demand 1/3rd of their days in exchange for a salary credited every month. Let us discuss the pros and cons of traditional employment first.

1.    Pros of traditional employment 

  • Stability of income

Traditional jobs are awarded to those who are eligible in terms of skills and experience. A company follows a stringent process to screen applications and choose the best-fit candidates for vacant positions. Companies spend their resources to hire and train employees. Hence, this earning stream is relatively steady for employees to pursue.

  • Benefits

Traditional employment comes with exceptional benefits in terms of health insurance, allowances, vacations, leaves, retirement plans, paid time off, etc. Employees also get performance bonuses or incentives based on productivity across a financial year. They also benefit when companies share dividends after making a profit.

  • Progression in career

The more experience you earn, the better your progress on the corporate hierarchy ladder is. Your advancement comes with an increased salary and perks for a particular slab of employment.

  • Social interaction

Working with a team comes with social interaction. The light banters, and the urge to work as a team are something we cherish in a professional environment. We make friends when we meet new people in our jobs and create a distant family.

2.    Cons of Traditional Employment

  • Limited flexibility

There is no doubt that a company owns an employee for 9 hours on a weekday. During that time, he had to focus on his job responsibilities, resulting in no flexibility. Hence, balancing life and work becomes strenuous for full-time employees.

  • Work stress

Work stress has caught the eyes of the world’s healthcare professionals. They witness how a healthy adult gradually sinks due to stress and becomes someone different. Office politics and work-related pressure often turn a good man into someone unrecognizable. When stressed for a long time, employees develop other co-morbid issues.

  • Financial risks

Drastic economic changes and the advent of new technologies often threaten workforce downsizing. Companies eliminate employees who need to be more competent in new technologies. They usually reduce the workforce to reduce expenses.

  • A stagnant career with no prospects

It also happens that an employee’s career becomes stagnant at some point. In fact, employees often consider remaining in the same position for their entire careers. It happens due to the absence of motivation and ageing. 

Money-earning Games: Pros and Cons

Play-to-earn games are another aspect where a commoner can invest his free time to generate a new source of income. This stream has pros and cons to judge before indulging in such actions.

1.    Pros of money-earning games

  • Accessible mobile games

The modern era has gifted us easy access to smart devices. This gift has added another edge in developing mobile games to play and earn money. You can download and play these games legally to participate and get a chance to win cash prizes. You can play these popular games anytime, anywhere, as thousands of players are always ready to participate online.

  • Monetizing gaming skills

The modern mobile games that offer cash rewards are based on physical games we have played. For example, we loved to play cricket with friends. Our interest is the fuel to create fantasy teams in these mobile apps during national or international events. We make a proper analysis and add teammates to score points. Eventually, the highest scorer wins a huge cash reward. Similarly, card games are great avenues to participate in daily contests. You can monetize your card-playing skills by challenging other players worldwide in Teen Patti, Call Break, Poker, Rummy, etc. In fact, there are mind-twisting games like block puzzles, carom, pool, running games, chess, etc. The avenue of such games is diverse, making it a good choice for a side hustle.

  • High earning potential with a low entry barrier

As mentioned, these mobile games offer a remarkable avenue with high earning potential. With a small entry fee, you can enter competitions and use your free time to play against real players online. The rewards are high in such competitions.

  • Personal achievement with flexibility 

Winning money online by playing these games is a fulfilling achievement. You have complete control over your gaming time and resources to invest in these games. 

2.    Cons of money-earning games

  • Risk of loss

Most play-to-earn games come with a high risk of losing money. Your financial investment must have a proper plan to follow.

  • Lack of stability

Mobile gaming could be more stable in terms of generating a dependable income. One day, you will win; the other day, you might face consecutive losses.

  • Developing bad habits

Players often try to mitigate loss by betting more money and playing more games. This bad habit is hard to get over with.

  • Scams

Such mobile games may scam newbie players and take all their hard-earned money. Adding personal information to create a professional account might increase cyber security concerns.

  • Isolation

Online gamers suffer from isolation with no social interaction. They tend to be cast away from society and suffer from mental illnesses.

The Verdict: Balancing the Act

How about choosing a safe, money-earning gaming app to play in your free time along with a traditional job? This step balances your life in all possible aspects. You will get time to interact with friends and to play mobile games to earn money. Hence, find an app with a multi-gaming platform to invest your resources and follow a discipline. Bring a balance to make money by playing games alongside a full-time job!


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